Photography by Bob Young



  1. Three-octave A Major scale, slur four sixteenth notes per bow, mm = 60

  2. Three octave A minor scale, slur four sixteenth notes per bow, mm = 60

  3. 2 minutes of a prepared solo.


  1. Three-octave Eb major scale, played as triplets with 6 notes to a bow, mm = 66

2. Three-octave Eb minor scale, played as triplets with 6 notes to a bow, mm = 66

3. 2 minutes of a prepared solo


1. One three-octave major scale of your choice, played as quarter notes with quarter note = 80

2. One three-octave minor scale, played as 16th notes, 8 notes per bow with quarter note = 80).

3. 2 minutes of a prepared solo.


  1. Two-octave F Major scale, slur four sixteenth notes per bow

  2. Two-octave E melodic minor scale, sixteenth notes per bow, detache’

  3. 2 minutes of a prepared solo.


  1. C Major, three-octave scale, slurred, mm = 100

  2. A melodic minor, two octaves, double tongued, mm = 100

  3. 2 minutes of a prepared solo.

Oboe/Eng. Horn

Scales: Should be memorized, and played in sixteenth notes at a tempo of quarter note = 72 beats per minute unless otherwise marked:

  1. Two-and-a-half octave Bb Major Scale (Bb - F) — slurred

  2. D Harmonic Minor Scale, (D - high F) — tongued

  3. Chromatic scale, (low C - high E) — mm. 96

  4. 2 minutes of a prepared solo.

  5. English Horn audition: 2 minutes of a prepared solo.

Clarinet/bass clarinet

  1. F Major, three octave scale, tongued, mm = 88

  2. D minor, two octave scale, tongued, mm=88

  3. 2 minutes of a prepared solo.


  1. Full range chromatic scale (start on your lowest note and play to highest note), slurred

  2. Bb Major, three octave scale, staccato tongued, eighth notes with quarter mm = 112-132

  3. B melodic minor, 2 or 3 octaves staccato tongued, eight notes with quarter mm - 90

  4. 2 minutes of a prepared solo.


  1. G Major (Concert C), two octave scale, tongued, eighth notes with quarter mm. 80 or higher

  2. Two-octave chromatic scale starting on F (Concert Bb), slurred, sixteenth notes with quarter mm. = 60 or higher

  3. 2 minutes of a prepared solo.


  1. C Major (Concert Bb), two octave scale, tongue ascending and slur descending, eighth notes with quarter = 80

  2. B minor (Concert A minor), one octave scale, tongue ascending and slur descending, eighth notes with quarter = 80

  3. 2 minutes of a prepared solo.


  1. Chromatic from low F (bottom of staff) to high B-flat, quarter = 72 (click HERE)

  2. E-Major Scale from E below staff (2 octaves, up and down), quarter = 100

  3. 2 minutes of a prepared solo.

  4. Bass Trombone: 2 minutes of a prepared solo.


  1. Chromatic from pedal G (two octaves), quarter = 100 (click HERE)

  2. 2 minutes of a prepared solo.


Snare etudes, quarter = 88- 112. Can be played on a practice pad (click HERE)


Solo: A short solo work of your choice.